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Pharmacy businesses no longer profitable
Pharmacy businesses no longer profitable

Overview A survey from the pharmacy negotiator’s annual pressures survey has found that only 7% of pharmacy owners said their business was profitable, with 44% said their business is losing money and 78% are extremely concerned about their business finances. This...

Why are more new pharmacists deciding to locum?
Why are more new pharmacists deciding to locum?

Introduction                      The qualifying process to becoming a pharmacist is a long journey. To become a pharmacist candidates will need to complete a four-year degree, one year of practice as well as passing the highly feared registration exam. Only after...

Pharmacy’s in high demand as demand outstrips supply
Pharmacy’s in high demand as demand outstrips supply

The number of new buyers seeking to purchase their own pharmacy increased by 56.9% from March 2019/20 to March 2020/21 according to sales agents, Hutchings Consultants. Despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought increasing challenges to pharmacies, the...

Additional Funding Available for Pharmacies
Additional Funding Available for Pharmacies

Community pharmacies that meet certain requirements will be entitled to claim additional funding of £1,630 per contractor through the Pharmacy Quality Scheme. There are 14 requirements that pharmacies will need to meet to be eligible the Pharmaceutical Services...

Hawsons are here to help COVID-19
Hawsons are here to help COVID-19

During this difficult time Hawsons are here to help and support their clients as best they can The Government has announced new measures to help businesses through this difficult time. The first being the tax helpline to support businesses affected by coronavirus. If...

NHS England will protect pharmacies income
NHS England will protect pharmacies income

NHS England will protect pharmacies income in the Covid-19 pandemic The CEO of NHS England and the NHS chief operating office have announced that community pharmacies in England will be protected during the COVID-19 pandemic. Guidance on claiming the additional...

Bank of England Update for Businesses and Households
Bank of England Update for Businesses and Households

Bank of England Update for Businesses and Households During this difficult time for businesses and households, the Bank of England has put together a list of sites where you can find the latest updates from the Government. The following has been circulated by the bank...

Hawsons makes history after 165 years in business

Hawsons Chartered Accountants is 165 years old Hawsons Chartered Accountants was founded in the city of Sheffield in 1854 – more than 25 years before the creation of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales – by Alfred Allott and John Hewett....

Pharmacy businesses no longer profitable
Pharmacy businesses no longer profitable

Overview A survey from the pharmacy negotiator’s annual pressures survey has found that only 7% of pharmacy owners said their business was profitable, with 44% said their business is losing money and 78% are extremely concerned about their business finances. This...

Why are more new pharmacists deciding to locum?
Why are more new pharmacists deciding to locum?

Introduction                      The qualifying process to becoming a pharmacist is a long journey. To become a pharmacist candidates will need to complete a four-year degree, one year of practice as well as passing the highly feared registration exam. Only after...