Pharmacy First Launch – Almost half the UK were not aware

Mar 5, 2024
Scott is the partner responsible for looking after the firm’s healthcare and medical sector clients. Scott also specialises in advising small businesses.
Pharmacy First

What is the Pharmacy First Initiative?

Health leaders across England are celebrating the much-anticipated launch of the Pharmacy First service, marking a significant step forward in healthcare accessibility and efficiency. With over 90 percent of pharmacies onboard, the government heralds this initiative as ground breaking, aiming to alleviate pressure on GP services by providing pharmacists with pathways to assess and treat patients with common conditions.


What does the Pharmacy First initiative aim to achieve?

The Pharmacy First service aims to revolutionise patient care by empowering pharmacists to address minor ailments promptly, effectively, and conveniently. By leveraging the expertise of pharmacists and the accessibility of community pharmacies, the initiative seeks to free up an estimated 10 million GP appointments annually. This approach aims to enhance patient experience and optimise resource allocation within the healthcare system.


The majority unaware of Pharmacy First

Despite the enthusiasm among healthcare leaders, a recent survey conducted by YouGov and pharmacy technology platform Charac revealed a notable gap in public awareness regarding Pharmacy First. Shockingly, nearly half of the respondents who utilise pharmacies were unaware of the scheme’s imminent launch. Moreover, only 23 percent indicated pharmacies as their primary point of contact for minor health concerns prior to the initiative’s introduction.

Perhaps the most difficult challenge will promoting the Pharmacy First Initiative to patients and changing patient behaviour so they see pharmacies as a primary point of contact for any minor health concerns. However, in this regard the survey revealed a promising trend. Following exposure to information about Pharmacy First, the proportion of patients expressing intent to seek assistance from pharmacies before consulting GPs surged to 56 percent. This indicates a considerable shift in patient behaviour and highlights the potential of the initiative to reshape healthcare-seeking habits positively.

The survey, which involved 2,028 participants from England, Wales, and Scotland, underscores the importance of robust communication strategies to disseminate information about novel healthcare services effectively. While the concept of utilising pharmacies as frontline healthcare providers is not new, there remains a significant portion of the population unaware of the comprehensive services pharmacies offer.


How can we help?

At Hawsons our dedicated team of pharmacy accountants offer a specialist service to community pharmacists and locum pharmacists. We can assist you with accountancy and taxation needs, utilising our in-depth knowledge and experience in the sector.

We recognise that no two pharmacies are the same and have experience in dealing with pharmacies of varying sizes and ownerships structures.

Scott Sanderson, Partner

Scott Sanderson

Partner, Sheffield

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