Tax on transactions

Tax on transactions page

Tax on transactions

Transactions involving the sale and purchase of trade and assets or company shares always have tax implications.

Hawsons’ team of tax specialists have extensive experience of acquisitions, disposals and restructurings. We can work with you to understand your aims and then explain the tax consequences and how the transaction may be structured tax efficiency.

We liaise with your other advisors to ensure that the sale and purchase agreement and associated documents protect your interests and minimise your risks relating to tax.

For more information on our deals and tax planning & structuring, please visit our corporate finance page.


Tax on transactions – a selection of our latest deals

The Hawsons specialist Corporate Finance, Tax and Due Diligence teams are delighted to have advised on a number of important acquisitions and disposals in 2015. It has been another significant year against a backdrop of an improving marketplace. This is reflected in an increased confidence and growing number of completed transactions so far in 2015.

Below is a selection of our latest deals. You can find more latest deals and case studies on our latest deals page.

Tax on transactions deal Perrys acquisiton
Tax on transactions deal Irwin Mitchell acquisiton
Tax on transactions deal Irwin Mitchell acquisiton
Tax on transactions deal Wild Engineering Limited acquisiton

Contact us for a free initial meeting

To find out more about how one of the leading firms of accountants in Sheffield, Doncaster and Northampton can help you, please contact one of our specialists. We believe in long-term client relationships and understand the importance of meeting to establish that you like us and we like you. This is why we offer all new clients a free initial meeting which will enable you to have a discussion about you and your business issues.

Free initial meeting

Stephen Charles, Tax Partner

Stephen Charles

Tax Partner, Sheffield

Martin Wilmott Partner

Martin Wilmott

Partner, Doncaster
01302 367 262

David Cairns

David Cairns

Tax Partner, Northampton